Cold War Generator Review: Build an Electricity Generator to Reduce Electric Bills

June 15th, 2020 – The Cold War Generator is a guide on developed electricity sources independently with the use of solar energy, helping to cut down on the cost of energy. The guide details how to construct a device that will be effective in any home to power any device, thanks to techniques that were used for the creator’s own cottage.
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What is The Cold War Generator?
The energy industry has made massive advancements through the last few decades, but there are more people deciding to take their homes off-grid. Creating an energy supply that can sustain an entire household has become rather trendy. While there are many ways that these systems have been integrated, there’s a scientist who claims to have developed a device that can help, aiming to “change the course of the entire energy industry, utility bills.”
Created by botanist Steven Anderson, this device is described in his new guide called The Cold War Generator, but the path to find this solution has been riddled with roadblocks. Anderson explains the circumstances of relying on big electric companies to provide energy for his household and failing, adding that no one needs to be drained of all of their money as the result of monthly utility bills. He inherited a cottage in the Rich Mountain woods, and he knew that most people with these kinds of homes had to pay a lot for their own access to electricity.
The moment that triggered this change happened in 2017. Anderson explains that a storm led to a nasty blackout, cutting off electricity for him and his son in the cold. With no way to get the power back for up to 72 hours, temperatures dropped down to 40 degrees, putting them both at risk. After this moment, Anderson set out to create a solution that would keep his family from ever being in this life-threatening situation again.
To create this device, Anderson focused on bringing a solution that keeps consumers free of their reliance on big companies and free of their electric bill. The solution had to be cheap, and it had to be easy to put together without a lot of technical experience, leading him to a solution out of the Cold War that he heard about from his father. This solution uses the sun’s waves to increase power, thanks to the use of a satellite dish to effectively capture these rays.
The principle is rather easy to use, and he describes the entire process of creating this system in The Cold War Generator. Once he created it, Anderson found that his bill dropped down from an average of $120 to $38, which is barely one-third of the previous bill. It can be used to supply electricity to any device or system, and it can even be used as a green energy supply for camping as well.
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Why Is This Generator a Necessity?
With rising electricity costs, there is no one around that wouldn’t want to cut the costs back down to make their bills more affordable. Alternative energy sources are becoming more commonplace, but the cost of actually creating a solar panel system costs a ton of money. However, the generator described in The Cold War Generator guide is much more cost efficient, user-friendly, and simple to build.
As a much greater advantage, this system is totally green. It has no emissions and no radiation, even though it is able to supply an almost endless amount of electricity. With the purchase of The Cold War Generator, readers will be able to instantly access the blueprints for the design to create it or their own home.
Buying The Cold War Generator
The information that consumers get from The Cold War Generator is highly valuable, so it wouldn’t even be shocking to see a $1,000 price tag on it. However, that’s not what consumers will have to pay. Instead, the company is charging $69 as a one-time payment to get access. For a limited time, that price is dropped down to $39.69 for anyone that wants to get the blueprint while it is still new.
If this generator doesn’t work for the user’s needs, the company is giving up to 60 days to give up access and decide to give up access to the materials.
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Frequently Asked Questions About The Cold War Generator
Why aren’t more people using the generator if it is this effective?
The creator states that there are a lot of people using the generator already, though he states that most people won’t brag. Furthermore, individuals that haven’t signed up for the program yet are likely a little intimidated with building the device. However, the blueprint is relatively easy to create.
How much work needs to go into making the generator?
The process takes about two hours to put the device together (plus ten minutes to read through everything), and there’s no extra strength or engineering knowledge needed to make it happen. If the blueprints are difficult for the user, the creators recommend getting a second set of hands to help.
What is included in the guide?
Basically, this guide includes the information that consumers need to build a generator, using a friendly tone that will make users feel like they are in the room with the writer directly. If there are any questions, the purchase allows consumers to contact the company for more details.
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The Cold War Generator is a solution for consumers that don’t want to keep paying big fees to get their own access to electricity. The guide provides clear-cut instructions that anyone can follow along with, though they are not given any of the tools or supplies that they need to create the solar energy generator. Plus, there’s no subscription needed to keep this access, which means that users can just make one payment and get all of the information they need to be off-grid from the energy companies.
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