The New Child Proof Device Keeping Children Safe from Toxic Laundry Pod Ingestion

Jul. 31, 2024 – Every 44 minutes America’s Poison Centers receives a call about a child, 6 or younger, being exposed to dangerous laundry pods.
On April 5, 2024, Procter & Gamble recalled 8.2 million bags of Tide Pods due to faulty packaging.
Sunpenny is proud to introduce our innovative Child Proof Laundry Pod & Dryer Sheet Container With Lockable Safety Latches.
In January, 2024 a study was released by Dr. Christopher Gaw showing that laundry pods are still extremely dangerous for young children and seniors suffering from Alzheimer’s or Dementia. According to the National Poison Data System there were 36,279 calls received over a 3 year period and 87% of all calls were regarding a child younger than 6, and not surprisingly, 99% of all incidents happened in the home.
6% of these exposures resulted in serious medical outcomes, which doesn’t sound like much, but it’s over 2,000 trips to the ER that were easily preventable. Add on top of that, at least 9 adults have died from ingesting laundry pods, mostly seniors over 70 with cognitive decline.
On April 5, Procter & Gamble, the manufacturer of Tide Pods, announced a voluntary recall of 8.2 million bags of laundry pods due to faulty packaging. The zip top closure could split open on the bags and young kids and seniors with Alzheimer’s or Dementia could easily access these toxic laundry pods that are often mistaken for candy by these vulnerable groups.
If the packaging failed once there is no reason to believe it won’t happen again. This is where our Sunpenny Child Proof Laundry Pod & Dryer Sheet Container comes in to save the day.
With its spring-loaded safety latches and very strong locks, your adventurous little explorer will never be able to access dangerous laundry pods again. Parents across the United States can breathe a little easier knowing they have one less thing to worry about in their hectic lives. Caregivers to seniors will have more peace of mind knowing they are protecting them from a product that has killed at least nine seniors.
At Sunpenny we’re absolutely certain that our Child Proof Laundry Pod & Dryer Sheet Container is worth every penny at full price. But to help get the word out and help parents and caregivers make their homes safer for their families, we’re offering a 15% discount with the coupon code 15SAFEKIDS on
One of the co-founders of Sunpenny, Neil Sweeney, said, “We don’t really make a profit from this, you know, we’re actually still paying for the product creation and taking it to market, and getting the word out. We’d like to make enough to roll out other safety products that will save parents’ sanity and children’s health, but we’re offering a discount right now because it’s needed. Lots of tight family budgets doesn’t mean those families don’t need to protect their kids. It’s the least we could do.”
About Sunpenny
Sunpenny is on a mission to become the industry leader in home safety, dedicated to creating high-performing yet stylish products that prioritize the well-being of the very young and the very old—two of the most vulnerable groups in modern society today. The company’s flagship product, the Child Proof Laundry Pod and Dryer Sheet Container, addresses the urgent need for secure storage solutions in homes with young children and seniors with cognitive issues. Committed to alleviating the fears and anxieties of caregivers and parents who are concerned about their loved ones’ possible exposure to hazardous household items, Sunpenny aims to provide peace of mind with ‘Tragedy-Stopper’ products that are meticulously designed, built with care, and, most importantly, ultra-reliable.
All Sunpenny products are developed through the use of thorough research and a deep understanding of market needs. The company also takes note of studies and industry publications in the childcare/senior markets. This ensures that all Sunpenny products meet and exceed the highest quality standards and customer demands. With a focus on innovation and customer satisfaction, Sunpenny strives to make being a parent or caregiver easier and more fulfilling, helping families live safer, happier lives. One of the core beliefs at Sunpenny is a safe home is a basic right, not a privilege.
Media Contact
Company Name: Sunpenny
Contact Person: Neil Sweeney
Phone: 1-587-583-8898
Country: United States