Press Release Distribution to over 250 Media Outlets

Press Release Distribution Services - (877) 855-9684 – 24 Hour Customer Support

Press Release Distribution Pricing

Submit Your Press Release

Newsroom Access, Schedule your press release distribution, Publish Anytime.

Fast press release distribution to Benzinga, Google News, Apple News, FOX, CBS & NBC Local Affiliate NetworksDigital Journal and more. Get your website indexed quickly in Google News and build backlinks to your website with PR Wire Pro’s Press Release Distribution Services. We are Google News Approved. Sign up now and publish your press release anytime.  Full reports provided in pdf format the same day of distribution. 

credit cards paypal

Distribution Options

Save money by ordering multiple press releases at once. 


1 PR


7 PR credits


14 pr credits

all plans include

Distribution to the same distribution network of 250 news sites.

Full distribution report provided 3-6 hours after your press release is published.

Never Expires (Submit anytime)

Distribution to Benzinga & Digital Journal

Distribution to CBS, ABC & Fox Local Regional News Networks

Press release instantly searchable in both Google & Bing News

Option to embed any type of images or video, up to 1 video, 5 links or urls & Up to 5 Images.

Frequently asked questions

Yes, the title of your press release must be a minimum of 6 words or more.

You can embed up to one video or iframe per press release.

First, Please Select a distribution plan and pay securely via paypal. Then you can submit your press release through our form or simply email it directly to us anytime and then check your email for a fast response from a member of our support team. We will review and schedule your press release within 1-2 hours. A full report will be delivered via email the same day of your scheduled distribution.

Yes, you can include a logo or featured thumbnail and up to 4 additional images or ads per press release. If you do not have an image our team can provide free templates for your design, just email us anytime.

PR Wire Pro offers several other services, monthly seo services, graphic design, ad design, conversion optimization, press release writing & general copywriting services.

To Learn more click here –

We do not allow distribution of any press releases that contain any of the following content;

• Derogatory statements about other companies.

• Alleges illegal or unethical behavior on the part of another company or person.

• False or misleading claims on any other party or any other party’s products or services.

• Threats, or press releases containing content that threatens any other party with litigation.

• Anything containing radical political opinion/view.

• Anything at all that contains illegal content; and/or promotes illegal content or promotes illegal behavior of any kind.

• Politics.

• Unauthorized stock ticker symbols.

Email PR Wire Pro Support for a full list anytime

We take care of everything for you. An expert member of team will proofread and correct your press release of any spelling and/or grammatical error then format the press release.

PR Wire Pro helps you build quality backlinks and inbound links from our personal network of sites with doFollow links.

Some of the network providers will only display the press release for a limited amount of time, and some of the press releases will be taken offline as future news is published, but alot of the links will remain, including the doFollow link on this website and our network of websites.

It can be harmful for your seo efforts if you submit too many press releases and link them to the same website. If you plan to submit alot of press releases each month for the same company, then we suggest to variate the urls used.

Have a question that is not listed here, Message us anytime, our team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – Contact Us

Fast press release distribution to Benzinga, Google and Apple News, ABC & NBC Affiliate Networks, CBS & FOX affiliates, Digital Journal and hundreds of additional news networks. Get your website indexed quickly in Google News and build backlinks to your website with PR Wire Pro Distribution. Full reports provided in pdf format. Sign up now and publish anytime. Excellent Support

Submit Your News Or Press Release ANytime

Distribution report provided same day of distribution. Full Newsroom Access, Schedule your press release distribution anytime.

Get your website indexed quickly in Google News

Google News Inclusion. Fast press release distribution to Benzinga, Google News, FOX, CBS & ABC Local Affiliate Networks, Digital Journal and more.

Published in 24-48 Hours

Published within 24 - 48 hours or any set date and time you choose. All press release submissions require a minimum 24 hours for approval.

How The Process works

Select any press release distribution plan and then submit your press release through our form or through your dashboard and then check your email for a fast response from a member of our support team, within 1-2 hours or less.

Press Release Distribution To Over 250 News Networks

Publish your news or press release on over 250 websites. Advertise your press release on sites like Benzinga and Digital Journal for up to 30 days.

24 Hour Editorial Staff

24 Hour - Responsive, Editorial Support Team. Once you submit your press release our team will quickly review, format and schedule your press release for you. We will then email you to confirm before its published.

Instant Dashboard Access

Sign up now and publish your press release anytime. Full reports provided in pdf format the same day of distribution.

What Payment Methods Do You Accept

We accept all major credit cards, PayPal & Most Cryptocurrencies. Please email support for alternate payment methods.

Media Contact Database

Access to an additional media contact database that you can use to submit your press release manually to several additional pr sites.

24 Hour Customer Support & Free Press Release Templates

Our customer support team is available 24 hours a day. Contact us anytime for a fast response. All membership options include free press release templates.


Sign up now and Publish Anytime

Instantly gain quality backlinks and increase organic traffic. Press release distribution and syndication on PR WirePro's seo network and distribution to over 250+ news sites.

Press release distribution to major networks

Instantly gain quality backlinks and increase organic traffic. Press release distribution and syndication on PR WirePro's own network and distribution to over 250+ news sites.

Dashboard Access

Submit A Press Release To Hundreds Of News and Media Sites. Your content and news indexed quickly in all major search engines, Google News, Bing, & Yahoo.

24 Hour Customer Support & Resources

Our customer support team is available 24 hours a day. Contact us anytime for a fast response.