Rocket Digital Marketing brings Artificial Intelligence to the Mortgage Industry

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February 25, 2019 – Tampa, FL – Rocket Digital Marketing is launching Genie, a new artificial intelligence powered service, which is targeting the growing demand for more effective ways to gain customers in the Mortgage industry.

New mortgage applications are the lifeblood of the mortgage industry, and the competition for them is white hot.

The average sales price of a new home in the U.S. has risen to $384K, but wages for the middle class have only gone up 15% since 1979. This makes it unattractive to buy for a big chunk of the population. And more new Mortgage Brokers and Direct Lenders are entering an already crowded market. The result is tough competition for limited business in the Mortgage industry.

Genie helps Mortgage Brokers know who is actively looking for a mortgage before they even start marketing to them. The new service, powered by Artificial Intelligence, learns and detects the buying patterns of a mortgage shopper. Because the system is forever learning, if mortgage buying behavior changes over time the system learns and adapts accordingly.

“Many of the largest corporations use Ai to recognize buying behavior, so they can market directly to the needle instead of the haystack. It’s a huge game changer. But most Mortgage Brokers may not have the technical skill set or budget to bring Ai in-house. So, we’re bringing it to them.” says Chris.

According to “Markets and Markets”, the use of Artificial Intelligence in marketing is likely to reach $40 Billion USD by 2025, at a CAGR of 29.79%.

Based in Tampa, FL, Rocket Digital Marketing is a Digital Marketing Agency, helping Mortgage Brokers to identify and connect with high intent prospects before their competitors do.

Christopher Gayle, CEO of Rocket Digital Marketing says: “Being first to connect with a mortgage shopper as soon as they enter the market will save tons of time and money, and give our clients an incredible advantage over their competitors. ”

Genie allows Mortgage Brokers to do less mass marketing to everyone, just to find a few prospects. It also relieves the pressure of having to rely heavily on referrals. Now they’ll know who is actively looking for a mortgage first, so they can then market to them directly.

In J.D. Power’s Mortgage Industry Q2 2018 Outlook, the report predicts the winners in the Mortgage industry will be those that innovate with technology before the competition does.

Says Chris, “This technology is exciting because it’s one more way to see my clients win.”

About Rocket Digital Marketing
Rocket Digital Marketing was launched in response to increasing demand from small and mid-sized businesses wanting tangible financial results from marketing agencies. To learn more about Rocket Digital Marketing, or to schedule an interview with Christopher Gayle please call 813-563-9593 or e-mail You can also check out the Rocket Digital Marketing website at

Media Contact
Name: Christopher Gayle
Phn: 813-563-9593